An inky book of secrets
Started 2 April (still available) | £399 | Online
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How to contain all the world in a book? Distilling the secrets of the universe and the essence of things and putting it in a code. Exploring these codes and steganography through the Ars Combinatoria of Ramon Lull and his successors using both visible and sometimes invisible ink. Ramon Llull is also important for his ideas about memory and memory palaces. I'll share my research on inks - invisible and otherwise - including some medieval Arabic trick ink and this is the last official book of the volvelles. From here on, the world of books remained fairly flat and static until the Victorian era when the pages started to move again and pop out...
Class includes a bespoke handmade leather envelope-flap cover to paint and free postage to anywhere in the world. Sent separately depending on production schedules. Make your own library of handmade Islamic style books!
Upcoming Sessions
Dates: 2 April 2024 - 23 April 2024
Total of 4 sessions
Tuesday 2 April, 9pm - 10pm
Tuesday 9 April, 9pm - 10pm
Tuesday 16 April, 9pm - 10pm
Tuesday 23 April, 9pm - 10pm