The beautiful, beautiful pink lotus. A symbol of longevity in China, the national flower of India and Vietnam, national emblem of Macau and a throne for Buddha, Vishnu and Lakshmi, the sacred lotus rises from the murky mud as something beautiful from something base. It's a yoga position. It's also edible! However, the lotos-eaters entered altered states - which won't happen if you enjoy ordinary lotus root and lotus tea. It represents fertility, a magic womb, honesty, purity, enlightenment, femininity, beauty, longevity, knowledge and awakening and is well on its way to being my favourite flower for this current age...my original favourite flower is/was the tulip but honestly, every time I see a lotus I stop the frenetic and chaotic pace of my life and take a breath. It's not a plant I could easily grow in London. It glows like no other flower I can think of. It is almost divine... not of this world. Its unearthly light momentarily makes me catch my breath. Does it do this to you too?