Carpet Pages III: Pixels NOW LIVE ONLINE! Come on in!
I curated two physical Carpet Pages shows in 2019 and 2018 BC (Before Covid). It’s 2020 and Corona can’t stop the Carpet Pages cycle going ahead. I said to myself, if I can’t do it in real life, then I will do it online… so I did… and 10,000 hours later... here it is… https://www.carpetpages.com
Looking forward to more physical shows AC!
Meet the Artists 1/3 - 29.10.20, 6-9pm GMT Free tickets here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/.../carpet-pages-iii-pixels...
#linkinbio #thegameofthetwoquills #2quillsgame #2quills #game #Featherbrush #vaishaliprazmaribrushes #theperfectbrush #2020 #knots #lockdownknots #chineseknots #celticknots #knotsknotsknots #2D #3D #vaishaliprazmari #lockdown #covid #covid19 #carpetpages #carpetpagesIII #pixels #1001nightsphd #time #markingtime #calendar #1001nights #104daysoflockdown #lockdowndays #shelterinplace #onlineshow #exhibition #artonline #artistsofinstagram
So glad Nadia! ;-) see you then!
Just a very quick one to say that I so so so enjoyed the adobe winter-desert-palace that was the venue for this online show, and the show itself! Bravo! I will be at the Nov 25 online event and so look forward to meeting the artists. What a talented group, bravo Vaishali!
Wonderful!!! What an achievement!!!