Welcome! Have a look around and join the discussions.
Come across any new miniature-related exhibitions or exciting projects recently? Launched or completed your own?
What initially sparked your interest in miniature painting? Where are you now on your journey? Where do you hope to go?
All the essential equipment you need for miniature painting, reviews, tips and recommendations, where to buy..
Want to learn miniature painting? Online and studio-based courses, classes, tailor made bespoke private lessons, tutors
All about the wider world of miniature painting: style, line, shadow, perspective, memory, mastery, poetry...
Put your brushes down for a mo, stretch your legs and arch your back, and come and have a cup of tea and a chit chat
What do you think of the Conference of the Birds Miniature Painting Forum? How can it better?
Welcome to our Monthly Miniature Meeting, free and open to all, usually on the 3rd Tuesday of each month. Details and Zoom link here.
Share your work in progress, get feedback, ideas and support from the community, stay motivated and encourage others too
Tracing, transferring, inking in, colour filling, rendering, tapai, pardakht, shading, details, mi rang, siyah qalam...
Have a general concern or specific query about a painting you'd like to troubleshoot? Share your challenges and advice
As a painter, I'm very inspired by writers writing about painting and love to read about it through their eyes. Do you?