There is a game in the show at www.carpetpages.com, read on…
2 Prizes there are to be won One spiky and one soft So let’s have a little fun In the desert, but don’t get lost
One is a known unknown And is already history One is waiting to be shown And is a total mystery
If you can figure out this riddle Step inside the door There’s a carpet in the middle That covers the whole floor What is its famous name? It’s well-known, but here a pale ghost A feather brush that’s like a flame Will be flown to you by post*
A needle in the haystack, hidden in the sands The 5th brush stands and waits It’s long and thin and pointy and Sharp and tall and straight Beside it is the original quill It may not be what you expect A soft swan feather it is not; still It’s black and white bedecked**
*The prize is a Fire brush, the 4th brush in the series. You don’t need to find anything, as the answer is hiding in plain sight. Just email me the answer **The prize is a mystery… there is a 5th brush…. this treasure is really hidden, and you need to find it. Take a screenshot of its location and email it to me
A. You can enter for both prizes. 2 winners will be picked at random B. One prize (for the answer to the name of the carpet) is a Fire brush, one prize (for the screenshot) is the 5th brush which is a new brush C. Email your answer and/or screenshot to info@vaishaliprazmari.com D.. The 2 winners will be announced at the end of the show E. Brushes will be posted to you after this date
... I know the 2nd part is difficult (the carpet is easy). Don't get lost in the desert!
Here's a clue:
This riddle is hard, so I’ll cut you some slack
And nudge you along with the quest
Go round the whole building, all the way to the back
Then proceed to walk north by northwest
See you online, in some shape or form!