Monthly Meeting 18.2.25, 5-6pm London time - all welcome
Vaishali Prazmari is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Vaishali Prazmari's Monthly Meeting
Time: Feb 18, 2025 17:00 London
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 882 8001 1245
Passcode: 136689
Usual Monthly Meeting structure:
To start, 20 mins discuss one chapter of My Name is Red which should open up some more broad questions/discussions: we'll discuss the 43rd chapter
Focus on somebody's work, one individual to show their work and everyone give feedback, comments, thoughts, suggestions, like a crit in art school, with respect (to be pre-arranged beforehand) 20 mins
Broad questions and discussions 20 mins
Anyone up for sharing their work this time?
Free monthly miniature meetings online via Zoom!
Here's the schedule for the Free Monthly Miniature Meeting:
3rd Tuesday of each month (or penultimate Tuesday) (or thereabouts!) [check back here for link], 5-6pm London time
See you online!

Do you ever record the Zoom meetings? As it's 3am in Australia 🙃
I have missed again the miniature meeting, I couldn't get in, Zoom says "Host has another meeting in progress". 😥
I was looking forward to attending it !!!
I can't get in, Zoom says "Host has another meeting in progress".
I'm looking forward to attending the July 2022 miniature meeting!
Oh dear, can't get in, Zoom says "Host has another meeting in progress".
I am so sorry to have to miss this month's meeting. Between the time change to daylight savings here and a colliding medical appointment (had to grab what I could), I'm afraid I have to miss it. My very best regards to everyone. See you next month.
Well, I'm certainly a person with multicolored lungs! (And asthma...)
Thank you again! It was most extremely kind of you all to let me rattle on about my project. You are all such lovely people as well as talented artists.
I love these meetings! So much beauty -- everyone does such lovely work, and there are so many interesting observations. Thank you!
Wonderful meeting, thank you so much!
@Mahnoor Ali please email me at
Glad to see this updated! If anyone wants to get on the Google Calendar invite for this meeting, please email me at and I can add you.