This is my painting of a brown-skinned angel which I started soon after taking Vaishali's ether course, now that i look at it I can see it still needs rendering work and outlines which i never quite finished, and of course I still need more gilding practice! It's a modified version of the angel Gibreel from the MirajNameh of Mirheydar.

Perfect and so timely! We need angels of all colours and stripes right now. Thanks for sharing! And will you finish this one now?
Also, good example @Nadia Bouhdili of a painting that's been put on the back burner for years and left to marinate (or actually, more like in a deep freeze and then now thawing) and then taken out and looked at in a new light. And then is better for it - @Nadia Madden is going to breathe new life into it and it will gain its own momentum. Who knows what she will do with it... quite exciting!
Beautiful! This makes me think about a very charismatic Muhammed Ali recalling how he'd ask his mom why angels were always white!