Hello everyone, New to the forum although have done a couple of online courses with Vaishali previously. Currently on the clouds course and here is a pic of some of the clouds studies I’ve done. Easiest part is done and now the base layers and rendering to start! Wish me luck! Thank you.

this is such a lovely start Raadiayah!
This composition is beautiful Raadiyah! It starts simple at the top left and then gradually grows more complex towards its culmination at the bottom right, so yes, I second the elegance.
Another thing - lovely to see the tea stain background you did - using herbal tea! Actually works well - not sure if it will fade but who knows - plants and herbs were anyway used for natural dyes.
(As an aside - eventually everyone gets into natural dyes. Literally everyone. I've seen it a lot especially in women when they become mothers or settle down with partners and it happens to men too - nobody is immune and we are not quite sure what the root cause is, haha. One day the buzz and excitement at the realisation that PLANTS YIELD COLOURS becomes just too breathtaking and you just dive into this rabbit hole of a world that is related to the paper and grounds of miniature painting. It's happening to me again, so is not like I have any antibodies against it. I'm now doing it with my children. Not resisting it anymore, just go with the flow. Wonder when it will happen to you too. Maybe you should just buy some black teabags to stave it off for a while.)
These are very elegant! If you're using any references from books, please do let us know the book title and page number (I love any excuse to buy more miniature art books). Sally forth, it looks beautiful!