Hello everyone! Here is a picture of my green Haft Paykar dome. The shape of the dome and it’s designs are simple yet elegant, like the other domes .The original painting has lovely colour palette and beautiful details such as golden dots, cypress trees, and illuminated borders.(When I have time, I am planning to add them gradually)
The inner designs of the domes are very refreshing since they include continuous elements like spirals, hexegons and lines.

Absolutely gorgeous, Merve!!!!!❤️
good luck Merve the marvel 😇
Thank you so much Merve for sharing! Merve is an expert illuminator and studying for her icaza (ejazeh/ijaza certificate of 'permission' meaning sufficient expertise to practise the trade/craft of illumination or tezhip/tazhib Islamic illumination, as given in Turkey but not Iran, India etc. Turkey continued this tradition up to today). Merve - wishing you luck on this journey and look forward to seeing your progress, as well as the progress on this dome which actually looks nearly finished! Though of course there are always more details you can add even after the colour fill, gold dots etc as you said... I love the even steady hand you've got and the rhythmic pattern of the piece. You see she has a trained hand!
oh Merve this is just stunning!!
That is so beautiful! Supreme❤️💖❤️