Hello everyone! I wanted to share and ask your opinion about my work on rocks. This is my first time painting them, so any advice on how I can improve is very welcome! 😊 I dyed the paper with black tea and burnished it, and I am using watercolours. Thank you!!

Your rendering is coming along nicely, well done! It flows - I particularly love the Little Rock island! Yes please do post more!
A bit of rendering in progress!!
Salut, Cécilia ! This is a very delayed response, but I want to send my appreciation for posting your rock pics; they helped me understand something that I've admired in my miniature painting books but haven't quite grasped. And now, thanks to your pics, I do! To be more specific, I had never quite grokked that I could do a top outline of a different color at the color fill stage the way that you did above. It shall be inspiring and instructive for my future pieces! I would love to see how these rocks have progressed, by the way! Please post if you're willing! Merci encore !
Brilliant Cecilia and thank you for sharing!
I think you've done a very good job with the blending of the colours at the top of the rocks, eg the bright pink rock which has a lilac outer edge - the fact that you made the outer edge blend into the rock at this stage means that the rendering will go easier and be slightly less to do. To do this blend at the colour fill stage as you have involves a bit more skill so I don't always teach it (instead teaching a flat colour fill) but you've managed to do it really well, well done!
I like your paint pots, they remind me of contact lens cases!