Here’s my Sunflower so far from Vaishali’s amazing flower classes. I still have to render and outline the petals but the centre is finished and it’s my eclectic mix of Indian miniature learning with Vaishali and my newly learnt gesso medieval illumination with Toni Watts. I’m utterly in L🌼Ve with it and I have to say I L💛VE L🌼VE L☀️VE painting sunflowers I may dedicate the rest of my life to it it makes me so happy! 🧡♥️💛
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Sunglower 🌼
Sunglower 🌼
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Thank you for your response & I think the turmeric colour wash on the paper was a genius idea & now I know how incredibly beautiful the colour turmeric produces is. it’s like liquid sunshine! ☀️☀️☀️
it’s great you’re happy for us to free style to rather than limit us to just IMP. That’s opens up creativity as opposed to suppress it! 🌟🙏🌟🙏🌟 Weirdly I found some round willow drum frames I made ages ago one of them would work as a frame! But I’d not thought that far ahead. Though I am wondering where to put it or store it when it’s got a gilded dome on it! I’m very much looking forward to ORCHID class on Tuesday ❤️♥️💛💖💗💛
Here it is! Rendered and outlined with walnut ink.
This is what I hope everyone uses my classes for! Take the image and learn and then go wild and make your own painting! I suggested doing a full on yellow on yellow work with yellow stained (turmeric, saffron etc) paper but you took it much further than that - it was your choice to do raised gold in the centre and your choice to do a circle painting. I'll make more suggestions like this from now on too if it helps. I think you should add gold to every painting you do going forwards as you really have a knack for it. It really does glow as well! I'd say only a little rendering is now needed and outlines should be in walnut and super super super thin.
How will you frame this? The easy option is to frame it in a square but wonder if you could get a circular frame made.
Sunflowers are so sci-fi somehow to me so yes dedicate your life to painting and growing those that become taller than humans and let them take back the planet!